Last Friday, Room 28/29 and the whole school had the School Athletics day. I was so excited to play athletics.
Firstly, we went on the field to get in our age groups, I was in the 10 year girls group, there were Year 5/6. After a while we went on the reserve to do softball we first had a practice for throwing the softball then we did the real softball and Mr Wright measures the softball after that we got our places, the first 4 people get to go to the inter school Athletics softball team.
Secondly, we went to do the long jump, Mrs Walker was there to measure, meanwhile I went to had a tern and I got to the top 4 but after that we got kicked out of the 4 places, and someone else got to my place. We had another tern until we go to the shade area and play games.
Thirdly, we went to the shade area and played Bean Bag and Beanzas, we split into 4 group of a,b,c,d, I was in group a, which we get the bean bags in the middle and group d as well, group b and c is throwing the balls on us when the ball hits us we need to drop the bean bag and go back to the group. After the first round group d won the game and we had another game and group a went to throw the balls to the people in group b and c after that group c won.
Fourthly, we went to have a lunch break, after that we did the sprints we did 60m and 100m Abimbola and Nadini got into the inter school sprints team.
After that we went to do the high jump, we first had a practice and then we did the real one, the first 4 people that went in the inter school high jump team are Mania, Tiana, Georgia and Theodora.

Finally the day was over, I was so tired that I have to help the teachers to get the big mat in Room 30, when I went in Room 30 I lost my hat, never mind I am really exhausted when I finished helping, anyway my favourite activity is the high jump even though I didn't got in it.