Thursday, 3 September 2015

Term 3 Week 7 recount

In the morning
This morning, I was too tired to woke up even it was Spring time.

First, the alarm went and I couldn't get up so I put the alarm into a snooze. after 10 minutes the alarm rings again and was still really tired so i put into a snooze again, I keep doing this because I was too too too tired until I look at the clock and it was 7:20 so I got up. I quickly get into dressed into my school uniform that is already lying on my chair.

Then, I got out of my bedroom to the kitchen to make my lunch and breakfast, I packed in crackers for morning tea and dumplings for lunch I started making breakfast as well as when I am making lunch, I make cereal with milk and water for drinking when i finished I went to eating my breakfast at the dining table, the sun was streaming on me. I am sitting with my sisters and grandparents the sun stream on them too. I finished eating my breakfast. 

Nest, I went to brush my teeth at the sink, the water was so freezing that my teeth feels it as well, anyway I brushed my teeth. I finished brushed my teeth.

Finally, I am all ready to go so I went walking to school. Overall i thought it has been a busy morning it has been lots happening. I am looking forward to have a good morning not a busy morning tomorrow.

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