Monday, 16 November 2015

Term 4 Week 6

Fantastic Friday special assembly

Last Friday, our whole school had a special assembly, we had to sit in our fantastic Friday groups because it was the last week for fantastic Friday, we had to represent the things that we had done over the 5 weeks.

First, we went to the auditorium and sat down and then we saw a Pukeko called Parkeko and a lady to share to us next Friday there will be a fun event happening on the reserve on 3-5 pm.

Second, the sewing group represented their sewing, their sewing was a owl ornament and a pot holder, then they spoke to us how they done it, it was really nice.

Third, the ukulele group went on the stage where they presented a song called the bird song, it was a great tune, they had pratised the song for 5 weeks.

Fourth, the Cool Science group went to represent what they had done, they had showed us the videos that that they had recorded, the explosions are so cool.

Fifth, Glee group showed up on there dancing and singing their actions were great.

Sixth, it was my African beading group that showed up, I was in that group, they showed a slideshow with us and the two student held up the Christmas tree with our designs on it. It was really nice.

Seventh, the traditional sports group showed up, they had be doing sports around the world, they showed up a film about the games, it was cool.

Eighth, the vintage games showed up, they showed up a video about what vintage games had they done.

Overall I thought it was a great assembly. I am looking forward to do Fantastic Friday again next year.

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