Thursday, 24 November 2016

Camera Angles Poster-Point of View

My Reflection
In class we have been learning about different camera angles.  Our group had been assigned to make a poster about the point of view shot.  I now know that this shot is used show what the person is looking at.  I will remember this work in the future because it tells me about a specific camera angle that is useful.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

W.A.L.T make inferences

My Reflection
In class we have been learning how to inference.  Inference is using clues in the text to work out what the question is asking you.  The best part of my learning was working out the questions.  I will remember this work in the future because I learnt a lot about it.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016


My Reflection
In class we have been learning to classify angles.  We learnt the type, size and what they look like.  The best part about my learning was using another way to present what I have learnt.  I will remember this work in the future because it was fun and useful for my learning.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Camp MERC Recount

My Reflection
In class, we have been learning to writing a recount about camp.  I find it easy because I still remember the memories of camp. My next step is to write another type of writing.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Pacifica Group 2016

My Reflection
Last week it was the Pacifica groups presentation to show what we have learnt in Pacifica, we have learnt lots of moves since the beginning of the year.  I was in the Tongan group, our song is called Si'i lo lo.  I found it interesting to learn another culture.  It was hard to dance in front of everybody in the end because it was nervous to dance to the whole school, next time I need to dance in confidence in front of everybody.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Year 6 Science Rotation Experiment Slideshow

My Reflection
Last week, the Year 6 team went to different classrooms to do different experiments.  Each teacher has different experiments.  In the process of the experiments we had to write down a prediction, observation and a explanation.  My favourite experiment was the bubble rocket experiment in Room 19 with Mrs Pittaway.  My next step is to extend my science vocabulary.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Our Solar System Inquiry Evidence T3

My Reflection
I am learning to identify the conditions on Earth and Saturn. I find it easy to identify Earth's conditions but I find it hard to identify the conditions from Saturn because I don't know what Saturn is like, I already know some conditions on Earth. My next step is to learn about other planet's conditions.

T3 W6 Reading

My Reflection
In our reading group we have been reading about Hanging in there, there were some questions we had to answer, I find this a little bit hard because it was hard to identify some character traits. My next step is to practice more on character traits.

Japanese Student Visit

Last week was the Japanese Students from Hoshino School visit to our school, they brought us lots of activities to play with. This is me with Abimbola wearing a kimono. Overall it was a great day for us to experience Japanese culture.

Maths Olympiad

Last week was the Year 6 Maths Olympiad, Quintina, Tianna, Raquel and I was in the team for the Maths Olympiad for our class, it was fun even though we came last. Calvin, Tanzee, Gemma and Quinn's team for Rm 20 won. I will practice more at my maths problems. 

Monday, 29 August 2016

My Speech (Sugar is bad for your health)

My Reflection
We are learning to write a persuasive speech using persuasive techniques.  Speeches are fun to write but hard to say it in front of the whole class, when I stand up and did my speech to the whole class I was nervous.  My next step is to practice more next time when I write a speech to say it confidently to the whole class.  Today Matua chose Ty and Zvaryn to do the speech finals they were confident and clear.  I will try really hard next time to get in the speech finals.

T3 W6 Math Evidence

My Reflection
We are learning to solve division problems that have fraction in the answer.  I found it easy because I know how it would be when you divide it and the answer you get is decimals, so then I had to convert it to fractions.  My next step is to learn how to convert fractions to decimals and percentages.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Punctuation Slideshow

My Reflection

In class we have been learning how to use different types of punctuation.  I find it easy for learning the punctuation but I also find hard on filling out the short story on the slideshow. I learnt a lot of punctuation like speech marks, ellipsis, apostrophe etc.  The best part of this piece of work is filling out the slideshow.  My next step is try to write stories using 4 or more types of punctuation I have learnt.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Samoan Language Week

My Reflection

Last week, our class celebrated Samoan Language Week, we got to learn about Samoa.  We learnt a dance and a song at the end of the week and we performed it at assembly and also our class had a shared lunch too to close off Samoan Language Week, we had lots of Samoan traditional food, it was delicious.  At the end, our class made a slideshow all about Samoa.  Overall it was an awesome week, my highlight was the shared lunch that we did.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Stereotypes - Egbert and the princess

My Reflection
I am learning to identify stereotypes of things.  I found this easy because I have experienced with stereotypes before.  The part that I most enjoyed was filling out the doc.  My next step is to move on to another topic.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

R22 Writing: Falling from the sky

My Reflection
I am learning to use interesting words, correct punctuation and proof read in the writing.  I found it easy because I know how to use interesting words, proof read and correct punctuation.  My next step is to use proof read in normal pieces of writing.

Expanding Decimals Numbers

My Reflection
I am learning to expand decimal in 2 different ways. I found this easy because I know how to expand decimals.  I now know how to expand decimals in 2 different ways, one using the Decimals Place Value and one using Fractions.  

Monday, 16 May 2016

Using Commas Correctly

My Reflection
In class we are learning to how to use commas correctly in a sentence. I find it easy because I am already comfortable with commas. The best part of my learning was putting the commas in the sentences and the paragraph. I will remember this work in the future because I have learnt a lot of rules about commas. My next step is to learn another punctuation.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Planning on Popplet

My Reflection
We went on popplet and did a brainstorm about Powhiri that we did to Clendon Park School on Tuesday. The best thing about this is we got to use another planning tool online. I now felt confident planning a story. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

My Year 6 Jobs

My Reflection
This year I was lucky enough to be chosen to be a Digikid again and also a Wet Day monitor.  I will be good at these jobs by being responsible and on time for Wet Day Monitor when it is a rainy day.  For Digikids, I have to help others on laptops and be responsible when I get sessions on Thursday, I want to learn how to fix problems on laptops like the laptop gets no wifi etc. 

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Reciprocal Reading - Clarifying and Questioning

My Reflection
In class we have been learning to clarify what we read.  We have also been learning to write ‘I wonder' questions to help us understand what we read.  
I learnt how to make a good I wonder question to show our understanding.
I enjoyed creating the poster about what I learnt Korowai when I finished reading this slide.
Next I want to move on the summarising.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Respect Slideshow

My Reflection
I am learning to create a slideshow that showed the understanding of respect. I found it easy because I know what is respect. My next step is to do the other two which is resilience and responsibility.

Monday, 21 March 2016

PolyFest Slideshow 2016

My Reflection

I am learning to write a recount to remember my favourite memories. I find this easy because I still remember what happened first and in the end. My next step is to do this on more of the trips that will be happening during the year.

Friday, 18 March 2016

PolyFest Trip Collage

My Reflection
Yesterday we went to PolyFest to experience different cultures. There are stalls there which sells delicious island food and stalls that sells unique things from different islands. There are also a lot of performances from the High Schools Auckland and Primary Schools who has done some amazing performances. My favourite thing was the food that I spend my money on, I really like to spend my money in the stalls. I like thee game that we played using rakau. But the funniest thing that happened during a performance is that it rained really hard but I had a umbrella, others didn't have a umbrella so they stayed a while in the rain. I love this trip I am excited to go to PolyFest or another trip again.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Zentagle Feather Art

My Reflection
I am learning to create a zentangle inspired feather. I find it easy because I learnt how to do the patterns on a youtube clip and some of them I already know. My next step is to do a different kind of zentangle inspired art.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

How to plan your Writing-Poster

My Reflection
I am learning to write a poster to teach people how to plan/prewrite your writing at a year 6 level. I find it easy because I know what are the steps about doing plan/prewrite. My next step is to teach a person how to draft their writing.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Subitising Presentation

My Reflection

In class we have been learning how to use different strategies to solve different arrays. I find it easy because I still remember my strategies. The best part of my learning was creating the arrays to solve. I also want to learn teaching other better. My next step is to use more Multiplication and brackets to solve these kind of problems. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Welcome Post Year 6

Hi, My name is Norah, good to see you again, I am in Room 22 this year and I am in year 6, My teacher is Matua Faenza, My favourite colours are purple and light blue, my favourite food is Indian food and ice cream, I live with my mum and dad and I also have 2 sisters, my best friends are Deborah, Abimbola, Mandy, Nadini, Caitlin, Nadia, Jasmin and Angel.  I want this year to be the best year because this is the last year of school. This year my goal is to join as many jobs as I can do in school. I will post as much posts as I can this year, please comment on my blog. Thank you!!!

This is me in superwomen!!!